I was relatively tight-lipped about this up until two days ago because I genuinely thought I was losing my mind. Really. I was on the verge of dialing a head shrinker. I'll start from the beginning.
Our new townhome in Puyallup was amazing. It was huge and newly remodeled. It had gigantic closets, a two car garage, and tons of children to play with. Needless to say, everyone was delighted. We worked furiously to get the bedrooms together so that we could sleep comfortably our first night in our new home.
Sometime during the night, I awoke and saw what appeared to be a person, standing in the corner of our bedroom watching us sleep. I'm not sure what anyone else would do, but I screamed bloody murder and damn near gave Nick a heart attack. He jumped up cussing and ready to kick some ass, however, by the time he figured out what I was screaming about, the "watcher" was gone. Nearly crying, I explained to him that there was a person in the corner watching us and that they had red light glowing all around their head. Nick soothed me and convinced me that it had just been a nightmare so I snuggled up close to him and drifted back off to sleep.
The following day, I returned a few rental documents to the property manager. As new residents, she asked how we were getting along in Washington and if all was well with our townhome. I explained that we loved our new home, however, I was having nightmares and I had even woke up and thought I had seen someone who was watching us sleep. She expressed surprise and told me that no one had ever said anything like that before about that unit. She also asked if anything like that had happened before. I explained that nothing like that had really happened before but occasionally, I get "feelings" about places. I told her that I just felt like something bad had happened in our apartment because I got really bad vibes about the place.
A day or so later, when I was just drifting off to sleep, our bedroom door open, the floor board creaked, and I saw a black shadow move across the wall. I assumed, since Nick and I were accounted for, that Christian needed something. I asked "What do you need, Buddy?" This awoke Nick, who looked around the room and explained to me that no one was there. Christian was soundly asleep in his bed.
I continued to sleep very restlessly, sometimes waking and wimpering about seeing things like red halos or shadows, and Nick continued to sooth me and I would assume it was a bad dream and go back to sleep. I had grown accustomed to waking, seeing something a little odd, assuming it was me, and going back sleep. This was an arrangement I could live with. Unfortunately, this arrangement did not last.
A few days ago, I awoke to see a man standing over me. His face was only a few inches from mine. He was bald. His features were soft and rounded. Believing that I had truly lost my mind, I closed my eyes and thought when you open your eyes, the face will be gone. You are dreaming. Well, this plan seemed really awesome at the time, however, what really happened was not awesome. Not only was the face still there, but had decided to smile at me. Not a nice, tender smile. It was a menacing, toothy grin. I went completely ape-shit. This was not a nondescript form in a corner or a shadow. This was a person who's face I could describe and pick out of a lineup if I needed to. Nick went through the routine of calming his hysterical wife.
By this point in time, the freaking out thing had gotten old for all of us. I was barely sleeping, Christian would run to our room, Nick was being woken up nightly, sometimes multiple times in a single night, by his restless wife.

Two days ago, I took little Petunia out for her evening stroll and was approached by a random guy who started a conversation with me about Boston Terriers. He asked me if we lived in the unit next to the elderly couple and I told him that, yes, indeed we did live in that unit. He then proceeded to explain to me about the history of our new home. According to random guy, a male tenant took his life there a few years ago. Now, completely freaked out, I quickly ended our conversation and run-walked home to find Nick. Nick and I went to the neighbors to verify the man's version of events. According to the neighbors, a man had indeed taken his own life in the garage of our new home.
The following day, I returned to the rental unit, explained the continued "problems" with our townhouse and requested a new townhouse. After multiple apologies, the young woman who manages the property provided us with keys to a new home... all the way on the other side of the property.
There are many details that I have left out, however, I can confirm that, without prior knowledge of the tragedy, I absolutely knew something bad had happened and could tell you details about his appearance and the circumstances surrounding his death that I should not have known. I can also tell you that, I have no love for haunted houses, and I hope to never encounter an "entity" ever again.